Welcome to SHIFT WELLNESS, a supportive and safe platform born out of my desire to help and aid those around me.

Life can be challenging and hard, yet it can be big and beautiful and oh so rewarding! As a person living with a chronic illness, we are accomplishing and living though things that the average person has never had to experience. We are a unique set of superheros yet we have a tendency to suffer in silence and rarely celebrate the small successes that occur on a daily basis. Who we are and our self worth is not based on what condition we have or how we manage it, neither is our happiness. We need to find joy and happiness within ourselves. We need to accept who we are with our chronic illness. To live life without judgement and accusation. After all, we deserve so much more..

You are YOU first and your condition second!

My coaching programmes are designed around my journey and experiences in living with a chronic condition. The programmes have naturally gravitated towards living with Diabetes but they can be easily applied to any chronic condition.

I see you!

I know your struggles and I am hear to help!

I am rooting for you!

What is wellness?

Wellness is not a destination.

Wellness is not another goal that you need work towards, only to be discouraged and disappointed when you don’t level up to your expectations on THE perfect wellness.

Wellness is about living life being true to yourself, your beliefs and your values.
It is being happy within yourself during the good times, the hard times and the unbelievably hard times.

There is no perfect here..
There is only you and the world and how you respond to it

Being ‘well’ is not a constant state of happiness, safety and calm

It is the ability to remain fluid in an unpredictable world.
It is a state of risk, adversity, adventure and excitement in one moment and returning to calm and safety the next.

I don’t want you to be ´well´.
I want you to be fluid.
I want to deepen your toolbox of life.
I want you to believe in yourself and your possibilities. I want you to come first.

Love to live progrmamme

The Love to Live Programmes give you the freedom and the confidence to live your life truely and completely despite your condition. To seperate the emotion and the pressure of living with a chronic illness from who you, from your self worth and from your happiness.


  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • 10-12 week programme

love to live + nutrition

  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • Additional 4 weeks nutritional guidance in low carb living
  • 16-18 week programme

Love to live lite

  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • 6-8 week programme

Build your basics programme

 The Build your Basics Programmes are practical programmes in designing the life you aspire to lead. It creates a day to day lifestyle and routine that assists you and your condition in a sustainable and supportive way

build your basics

  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • 10-12 week programme

build your basics+ nutrition

  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • Additional 4 weeks nutritional guidance in low carb living
  • 16-18 week programme

build your basics lite

  • Weekly one on one sessions
  • Weekly worksheets and assignments
  • Inbetween support and care
  • 6-8 week programme

Book a discovery call